Sunday, June 10, 2001

Chris Goes to Camp

I got bit by fleas yesterday! Seriously bitten. They hurt, I itch, and I'm swollen like a mug. I'm allergic to them, which sux. Now I'm going to church in a few.

Chris left today to ROTC camp. He'll be gone for a whole week, and I'll be extremely bored. :( Well, I have to go get ready for church.

Saturday, June 9, 2001

Maldonado's B-Day

My goodness, I had to go to some old man's birthday party today and Carmine was being a sure pain in the ass. Since before we left this morning at 10, she was bitching and complaining, crying and whining, for no reason at all.

At around lunchtime she practically pissed everyone off. Carmine doesn't know English, but of course that's what all the teenagers speak. Well, we were making jokes and the woman starts yelling at us saying that we're making fun of her. As calmly as I could, I told her that we weren't and that not one part of our conversation was she mentioned. But she wouldn't listen. So I let her be. And she went on bitching and complaining that even my mom, who tolerates her pretty well, got fed up.

But anyways, I just got home. I'm tired and sore, but I had fun with Jenny A., Nathalia, and Cristofer. But I have to go to sleep now.

Saturday, November 11, 2000

Sk8r Grl

I'm teaching my friend Brandy how to skate. She's doing pretty good. I've taught her for a while now. She no longer has to be guiding, so she's improving. I skate the same - except no more falls, cuts, and bruises! :)

Wednesday, August 4, 1999

Skating Stuff

I was grinding yesterday on the curb (I'm in Hawaii) and I busted my knee. It hurts like heck! I did a 540° yesterday but I fell and hurt my arm. So I'm all bruised up, cut, and bleeding.

Wednesday, June 16, 1999

Skate Tricks

Man, sorry about not writing for a while about this. I'm up here in California. It's been years since I last said anything. But my friends are teaching me tricks. Tyson's trying to teach me how to grind but I'm have problems. This is hard!!

Sunday, April 27, 1997

More Skating

I CAN SKATE BACKWARDS NOW! I'm so happy! I fall only when I mess up, but other then that I can do all the basics!! I'll write when I start learning tricks.

Sunday, March 23, 1997

At Church

Today Mr. pain in the butt Micheal is being a pain in the butt. And his little brother Paul or Bebo is not being any help either.

I just can't stop thinking about Ryan! He's so cute! His voice, his face, his body! Everything!

Bebo is still being no help, but he is funny. Mike just got beat up.

Well I gotta go! Peace!